The New Year Gift Exchange Event

Happy New Year! We hope you and your family had a wonderful time with your family and friends during this holiday season.

The upcoming New Year Gift Exchange Event is a brand new event organized by LCCA. The detail date and location of the event will be announced later on this coming week. Here are some preview of the activities on this event.

1. “WHITE ELEPHANT” Game—Gift Change

a. Bring a wrapped gift ( value $5-$10) and try not to tell anyone what it is.  It is even more fun if no one knows who brought which one! (If you want more than one family member to participate in this activity, bring more gifts! Each gift would allow one of your family member to join this game)

b. Then everyone that brings one gets to draw a number out of the “hat” and the number one goes first. That persons gets to choose from all of the unwrapped gifts, picks one and opens it showing everyone what it is.

c.  The number 2 goes next and can either choose an unwrapped gift from the pile or take the previously opened gift, forcing that person to take another unopened one off the pile.

d.  This continues with # 3, # 4, etc., each either choosing an unopened gift  or taking a previously opened gift from someone.

* A gift can only be traded three times.  On the third “trade” of any desirable item, the gift is claimed and can no longer be taken away!  This continues until last gift is opened, then the game is over and you get to keep what you have at that time.

2.  LCCA 2011 Membership

Hope you enjoy the events arranged by LCCA for the past year, and it is our largest pleasure to have you stay in the LCCA family and help us grow. The 2011 membership fee is as follows

$20 for a Family membership, $10 for a Single membership and $5 for a Single Student membership.

3. Lottery Draw

Every 2011 LCCA member will automatically enroll in our New Year Lottery draw. 3 gifts from LCCA will be given away.

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