2018 Spring Festival Gala – Program

LCCA will host the 2018 Spring Festival Gala on February 17th. This is the first time that LCCA hold our own Spring Festival Gala and we hope this party will make everyone feel the warmth and passion of the community and leave an unforgettable memory for everyone. The program team is preparing for it right now!

To encourage everyone to participate in the gala, we has started a program, Spring Festival Gala – We Want You. If you would like to perform for the gala, singing a song for the program “Classic Movie Song”, please send us your recorded audio clip to due by 1/26/2018. The program director will contact you with further information once the clip submitted. Please join us!

大家好, 林肯华协将于2月17日举办春节联欢晚会. 这是林肯华协第一次举办自己的春晚, 我们希望这台晚会能让大家感受到家庭的温暖和浓浓的热情, 并给大家留下难以忘怀的记忆, 节目组正在紧张有序的筹划准备中. 为了鼓励大家积极参与到我们这个大家庭的活动中来, 为了艺海拾珠, 我们特意举办了《我要上春晚》这样一个春晚节目召集活动, 主要是为歌曲类节目《经典影视歌曲串烧》来做征选. 如果您认为自己哪部影视作品的主题曲或插曲唱的很有味道, 无论影视作品是早期还是现代作品, 任何国家的影视作品都可以, 任何国家的朋友我们都欢迎, 那就请录制一段您演唱的影视歌曲音频(可有伴奏也可清唱)发来我们节目组 歌曲投递截止时间是1/26/2018, 我们会请专家做出最公正的评选, 然后尽早通知您, 以便您有足够的时间准备伴奏及其他演出事宜. 如果您有兴趣如果您有热情参与到2018华协春晚, 那么就请来加入我们吧! – 华协春晚节目组

If you have not registered or renewed the 2018 membership yet, please refer to the link:

Thanks for your support!

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